Please join us for Bible Study at 9:00am,
Divine Worship Service at 10:00am, and
Linger-Longer following the service.
Regular Schedule
Our Sunday morning service is at 10:00 AM. Each Sunday we celebrate the Lord’s Supper using the Divine Services of Lutheran Service Book. Bible Study
Sunday Mornings at 9:00am Mid-Week Bible Study Wednesdays at 11:00am More about our Services
People of all ages participate in our services. Some things Christians might recognize is that we confess the Ecumenical Creeds and pray the Lord’s Prayer. We sing the song of God’s Word through the Psalms, hymns and the words of the liturgy. Through them, we hear and join in on the song of heaven, the Sanctus – Isaiah 6. We participate with the angels in giving glory to God in the words of the Gloria – Luke 2. With the lepers and the blind men, we pray Lord have mercy upon us, the Kyrie. The testimony of John the Baptist is in our ears and on our lips as we sing of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, the Agnus Dei – John 1. Children
The children in Sunday school begin to learn some of these parts of the Divine Service that they might join their voices to those older than theirs in prayer and praise. We don’t dismiss children from church but encourage them to be with us in God’s Word as their love for Christ and childlike trust are important for adults to see, and because the worship strengthens the faith they received in Baptism. |